The Anadeo Collection at the Design Center and Gallery at ANICHINI

Anadeo statues at the Design Center and Gallery at ANICHINI in Quechee, Vermont

For centuries the people of Sumba, Timor, and other small islands of Indonesia have carved stone and wooden guardian figures called “Anadeos”. This word is translated as “ancestor” or “ancient people”.

These pieces are placed in front of homes or the village square facing outward to frighten away evil spirits, or attract prosperity and health. They figure prominently in rituals and are sometimes placed next to ceremonial ladders in temples. The statues, both stone and wood, have rounded bases and would be partly buried in the ground. The stone statues are carved of sandy limestone and sometimes vesicular lava.

Our Anadeo collection at the Design Center are a particularly jolly assortment, and each one has a distinct personality. They date from the 19th to early 20th Century and are sure to bring not only their beauty, but a sense of blessing into your space.

Anadeo statues at the Design Center and Gallery at ANICHINI in Quechee, Vermont

Anadeo statues at the Design Center and Gallery at ANICHINI in Quechee, Vermont

For more information on our Anadeo collection please call 802.281.6275, or click here.


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